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Friday, September 23, 2005



That's what I heard Tuesday night! She must have been packing!

I will trade you in-laws any day of the week. Seriously.

Kate W.

OK, I just fround your blog via Deviant Woman's. I am sitting at work crying I am laughing so hard at your description of your MIL scaring the bean! I REALLY needed that laugh! Thanks! I will be back to read more.


tpon- we tried to leave you comments on this post, but failed due to annoying internet/software issues. I cannot replicate what I said earlier, but in the sense that the desire to leave comments always arises from the shared experience or relation of said post to the commentator's life, let me just say this: I feel you.

Eli's Mom

Awesome...gotta love someone who yells at a baby and then gets confused when they freak out. I feel for you!

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