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Sunday, September 10, 2006



There is nothing so real as loss. Thank you.


There is nothing so real as loss. Thank you.

At a loss for words. xo. Ani


Thanks for sharing. He sounds like a wonderful person. I'm so sorry he's no longer here.


Beautiful tribute. I'm sorry your DH lost a such a special friend. I came here via Notes from the Trenches. I'm blog-hopping today reading 9/11 tributes.

love to you and n. today. wish i could give you hugs. all best--rachiepoo


An amazing tribute. Thank you for sharing.

jen3 @ amazing triplets

This is the first tribute I have seen where the writer actually knew the person lost. My tribute was to a 36-year old dad who left behind his wife and two little girls. I can't even write that without tearing up, and I didn't even know the man I wrote about. Thank you for sharing your story.


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